A group of three professional adults seated at a white table, smiling with an open laptop in the foreground.

Retirement Planning Melbourne

Have peace of mind, knowing what the plan is…

When the time comes to step away from work and detach from your regular pay cheque, ensuring you have the financial security to start living your best life is where the support of a retirement financial adviser can help.

What retirement planning with us can look like:

  • Discovering how to maximise your assets, super and investments to ensure you have enough to comfortably retire
  • Creating an action plan to build up your reserves and ensure you can kick back in retirement and even splurge a little if you want to, without running out of money
  • Assessing your current amount of investable assets and whether it will be enough to live the kind of life you’re hoping for after retirement
  • Estate planning to figure out ways to help your kids sooner or ensure there is enough left in the bank to pass on some accumulated wealth to the next generation after you’re gone
  • Considering some lower-risk investments and/or restructuring your portfolio to ensure losses are minimised.
  • Helping you navigate the complex world of Centrelink
Husband and wife professional adults, seated at a white table smiling.

Why choose us as your retirement financial advisors?

Advising since 1999, we have over 20 years of experience in tailoring custom advice to help individuals at all stages of life set up for a comfortable and rewarding retirement.

Particularly supporting those in their upwards of 50s, 60s and up, we know first-hand that a customised strategy is beneficial. Considering your investment preferences, risk tolerance, and personal circumstances is an important aspect of creating your retirement strategy.

For all the years that you’ve worked hard, we understand you want it all to pay off. Whether it’s going on that trip around the world, caravanning across Australia or simply hanging out more with the grandkids… we love helping people with creating financial certainty in this special time of life.

Two middle-aged professionals, seated and talking together.
A group of three professional adults seated at a white table, smiling.

Retirement planning doesn’t need to feel scary

Need help creating financial certainty?

Here’s how we’ll do it together…


Book an Intro Call

This is your no obligation phone call where we will get to know more about you and your
situation. If we’re confident we can provide value, we will let you know next steps and
provide you with an estimated fee structure.


Your Future You Session

This 90-minute session is all about you and your goals for the future – exploring who you
are, your future plans, understanding your family dynamics and helping you identify what
financial success looks like for you. This will help us determine where we can help you best.


Value of Advice

Within a week, we will identify the areas of focus we propose to address and present it to
you. Here, you can decide to proceed or not. If it feels aligned with your goals, we will
proceed with creating your financial plan.


Your Financial Plan

We will spend the following few weeks formulating a tailored strategy for how you can
structure your finances and investments to maximise your situation. We will then do a
walkthrough of your strategy and recommendations.


Ongoing Support

By now, we’ll have an initial financial plan in place. We will continue to adjust your strategy
in-line with changes to the market or your personal situation to maximise the possibility of
meeting your long-term goals and objectives.


Questions we get asked about retirement planning


“When should you start planning for retirement?”

The sooner, the better! The earlier you reach out for retirement planning support, the more time we have to consider more diverse strategies that can help you accumulate wealth over time.

A group of three middle-aged professionals seated at a white table, smiling.

“When is it too late to start retirement planning?”

Never! Structuring your assets to generate income in retirement can happen at any stage, so it’s never too late

An elderly husband and wife are seated, smiling at each other.

“How do you determine my retirement income needs?”

Our 1:1 session with you is often in person, and we ask a lot of pointed questions around your current spending patterns and what you want to achieve in retirement. People have very different income requirements so spending the time to understand your income needs is crucial.

A group of three staff members with one person pointing at a monitor on the wall.

“What retirement investment strategies are best for retirement planning?”

In your 1:1 session with us, we look at your unique situation, which strategies are suitable for your goals, and how to diversify your investments to maximise the money coming in at this significant stage of life.

A group of three professional adults seated at a white table, smiling.

“Will you adjust my retirement plan over time?”

We can definitely walk with you through the journey and help you adjust your retirement plan over time. We often find this is helpful when a spouse passes away or an unforeseen change occurs in the market. As part of our service, we offer to do ongoing reviews with you so that you can have peace of mind your strategy is relevant and effective for your current situation.