A group of three staff members with one person pointing at a monitor on the wall.

Wealth Creation Melbourne

Build wealth that allows you to stress less and feel secure about where you’re heading in life.

Want to feel like you’re on track to make money, build toward a more certain future for your family, or simply be more at ease with your money situation no matter what the market does around you?

Whether you’re new to wealth creation or looking to optimise your existing investments, we can help you navigate through your options and confidently make decisions about where to invest in order to create the kind of financial freedom you’re dreaming about.

A group of three professional adults seated at a white table, smiling.

What getting help with building wealth looks like

  • Figuring out what to do with an inheritance, surplus or lump sum –
    Getting advice about where to invest long term and short term
  • Being more informed on whether purchasing property is right for
  • Planning for your future family or aspired lifestyle so you know
    which investments will support those goals
  • Diversifying your investment portfolio in a way that maximises
    your returns and minimises your risks

By reaching out to us today, we can begin the journey of clearly
defining your objectives and creating a wealth creation plan that
sets you up for a future you can look forward to.

Why choose us as your advisers

With over 20 years in the industry, we are seasoned professionals with lived experience and an extensive knowledge to help you feel clear about the path ahead. We stay up to date with the latest market trends and provide you with a fully customised wealth creation plan that’s tailored to you. Offering ongoing support to help you monitor your progress and make necessary adjustments at the right time as needed, we love being the financial brain to those who need to bounce ideas with expert advice and helpful accountability over time.

Group of three staff members standing, smiling and laughing together.

Creating wealth doesn’t need to be complicated.

Need help creating financial certainty?

Here’s how we’ll do it together…


Book an Intro Call

This is your no obligation phone call where we will get to know more about you and your
situation. If we’re confident we can provide value, we will let you know next steps and
provide you with an estimated fee structure.


Your Future You Session

This 90-minute session is all about you and your goals for the future – exploring who you
are, your future plans, understanding your family dynamics and helping you identify what
financial success looks like for you. This will help us determine where we can help you best.


Value of Advice

Within a week, we will identify the areas of focus we propose to address and present it to
you. Here, you can decide to proceed or not. If it feels aligned with your goals, we will
proceed with creating your financial plan.


Your Financial Plan

We will spend the following few weeks formulating a tailored strategy for how you can
structure your finances and investments to maximise your situation. We will then do a
walkthrough of your strategy and recommendations.


Ongoing Support

By now, we’ll have an initial financial plan in place. We will continue to adjust your strategy
in-line with changes to the market or your personal situation to maximise the possibility of
meeting your long-term goals and objectives.


Questions we get asked about building wealth?


“What is wealth building?”

Wealth building is the accumulation of assets and increasing your net worth. It can include financial planning, investment management, tax optimisation, retirement planning, risk management, estate planning and more.

A group of three staff members seated, smiling.

“Can you help me with budgeting and managing my expenses?”

Absolutely, you can find out more about Cashflow Management here.

A group of three professional adults seated at a white table, smiling with an open laptop in the foreground.

“Is wealth building only for the affluent?”

No. We help a range of young professionals and pre-retirees who have an interest in either maximising their long-term investments or starting from scratch. Book a call today to have a free 1:1 chat about your goals.