The Value of Advice from Creating Financial Certainty for John & Jane

John and Jane are facing common but significant financial challenges:

  • Questions about whether their superannuation funds are the best fit for their needs.
  • Overspending
  • Unclear mortgage strategy
  • Undefined retirement goals
  • Uncertainty about how to build their nest eggs

These concerns could lead to missed opportunities, higher taxes, an underfunded retirement, and financial stress in the future.

This is where Creating Financial Certainty, comes in. Our mission is to help clients like John and Jane achieve clarity and confidence in their financial future by providing tailored advice and strategies that align with their unique goals and circumstances.

Addressing Overspending and Money Management

At Creating Financial Certainty, we understand that enjoying life while staying financially disciplined can be challenging. For John and Jane, we would implement a money management program designed to help them track their spending, identify areas where they can save, and set realistic budgets. This approach not only helps them maintain their desired lifestyle but also ensures they are putting enough aside for future goals.

Strategic Mortgage Management

John and Jane are unsure of how their mortgage fits into their broader financial picture. Our team at Creating Financial Certainty would develop a debt strategy that integrates their mortgage into their overall financial plan. We ensure that their mortgage payments are manageable and aligned with their income and long-term objectives, allowing them to pay off debt effectively without sacrificing their ability to save for retirement or other important goals.

Defining and Achieving Retirement Goals

Undefined retirement goals can lead to financial uncertainty. At Creating Financial Certainty, we help clients like John and Jane define clear, achievable retirement goals. Whether they envision traveling the world, pursuing hobbies, or simply enjoying a comfortable retirement, we create a retirement strategy tailored to their vision. This strategy includes setting timelines, calculating the required savings, and choosing the right investment vehicles to reach their goals.

Building and Securing Nest Eggs

Building a solid nest egg is crucial for a secure retirement, but it requires careful planning. We would help John and Jane assess whether their current superannuation funds are performing optimally and suggest adjustments if needed. Our goal is to help them grow their savings through a diversified investment portfolio that matches their risk tolerance. By reviewing and potentially restructuring their super funds, we ensure their nest egg is on track to meet their future needs.

Achieving Financial Certainty

Finally, our comprehensive approach involves calculating whether John and Jane are on track for what we call Financial Certainty. This involves assessing their current financial situation, projecting future income and expenses, and making sure they are positioned to meet their goals without financial worry. If gaps are identified, we work with them to make the necessary adjustments, providing peace of mind that they are on a secure financial path.


At Creating Financial Certainty, we are dedicated to helping clients like John and Jane navigate their financial challenges and achieve their dreams. Through personalised advice and strategic planning, we empower them to take control of their finances, optimize their resources, and secure a prosperous future. Our commitment is to turn financial uncertainty into confidence, ensuring that John and Jane can enjoy their lives today while being fully prepared for tomorrow.


  • Living life/overspending
  • Where does mortgage fit in?
  • Undefined retirement goalsNot sure how to build their nesteggs
  • Unsure if their super funds are fit for purpose


  • Potentially missing opportunities
  • Could impact tax payable or building super
  • Could be underfunded/deplete nestegg
  • Retirement impacted/ work longer than needed
  • Could result in a lower super balance

Proposed Advice

  • Money management program
  • Create debt strategy
  • Create Retirement strategy
  • Review super funds
  • Recommend adequate insuranceCalculate whether on track for Financial Certainty